Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Hair Loss and Treatment of Baldness

Beautiful healthy hair is the dream of each person male or female, because the hair is an irreplaceable human crown, but not everyone can be lucky mempenyai beautiful and healthy hair because not everyone can care for her hair properly. Hair is closely connected with our appearance, if we are ugly dull hair, even bald loss will greatly affect our confidence, especially for our active and often met with many people. Here we share some tips for you to be able to have a healthy and beautiful hair, which can automatically make you confident.

Ok before reading the tips and tricks about your hair should also have to know a few things and facts about your hair, so you can understand what and how your hair can be healthy and beautiful

Hair Facts:

The average human has 100 thousand-130ribu follicles (roots) hair, and hair follicles are already there since you were born and can not be added or you add to it!
The hair is graying or often called Uban, due to not working optimally or melanin pigment cells in the follicle, so hair color fades, usually because of aging or stress which frequent intensity level
40% of hair loss in women in because there since monopause factor, and 30% loss in men at the start because of age above 55 years
85% of people often do not feel that there is thinning of the hair, and often happens, it's too late for the cure
The maximum length of a human hair is 70-90 cm
Women's hair growth is slower than men's hair
The average hair diameter 0.1 mm
Hair strength in weight-bearing is 100 grams, or as heavy as a chocolate candy
Frequently wash your hair or frequent shampooing, absolutely not cause hair loss
Human hair grow faster or fertile in a warm climate
The age factor of aging will slow hair growth, and reduce fertility
hair cut has no effect on hair loss or hair growth
Your hair will come if you stress stress

Well from some of the facts above you can know how to treat your hair properly!

Next I try to explain why our hair can fall out or fall even lead to severe baldness in both men and women

Average baldness occurs in men even reached 90% of the rest in women. baldness in men starts since men age 17 to age 45 years and over, baldness over the age of 50 know the age is usually due to human aging, hair loss or baldness should not have happened if the scalp, hair follicles and healthy structure of our hair, human hair normally can fall out and grow again in a cycle of 2-3 years, under normal conditions in a day if your hair is falling out 10-20 pieces, because it is the life cycle of human hair and normal hair growth is 1 cm in a period of one month

Here are some causes of hair loss and baldness;
Illness or after surgery can cause your hair fall out in considerable amounts, even your hair is so fragile, but usually this kind of hair loss is only temporary
Stress, with the intensity of the stress that often could affect the metabolism of our hair and eventually hair loss and even baldness can occur.
Since birth, the pregnant woman, usually her hair fall out because many amino acids and proteins in the hair need to be reduced supply, because it is absorbed by the fetus / infant, so that our hair fall out
Medicine, there are some medications that can cause hair loss and even cause baldness, such as heart medications, hypertension medications, anti-pregnancy / drug kotrasepsi, even too much vitamin A could be the cause.
Hormonal causes, hair loss and baldness is caused hormone can occur in men or women, usually if work is not normal thyroid gland, will affect the hormone androgen and estrogen, causing the occurrence of DHT Dehidrotestosteron, who attack the hair follicles
Infection, can cause hair loss, usually occurs in children, but many also in adults.
Diabetes / lupus, also cause hair loss, high levels of sugar in the blood causing various diseases, including destructive metabolism in the hair structure, so that finally stops and hair loss.
Chemicals in the hair is also a major cause of damage and loss of hair, such as hair dyes, and similar Rebonding
Coarse hair treatment, such as hair tied with a loud and long, or often use curly roll causes stress on the hair, if not stronger in the end will fall out
Cigarettes can also cause hair loss

Hair Loss and Treatment of Baldness

Beautiful healthy hair is the dream of each person male or female, because the hair is an irreplaceable human crown, but not everyone can be lucky mempenyai beautiful and healthy hair because not everyone can care for her hair properly. Hair is closely connected with our appearance, if we are ugly dull hair, even bald loss will greatly affect our confidence, especially for our active and often met with many people. Here we share some tips for you to be able to have a healthy and beautiful hair, which can automatically make you confident.

Ok before reading the tips and tricks about your hair should also have to know a few things and facts about your hair, so you can understand what and how your hair can be healthy and beautiful

Hair Facts:

The average human has 100 thousand-130ribu follicles (roots) hair, and hair follicles are already there since you were born and can not be added or you add to it!
The hair is graying or often called Uban, due to not working optimally or melanin pigment cells in the follicle, so hair color fades, usually because of aging or stress which frequent intensity level
40% of hair loss in women in because there since monopause factor, and 30% loss in men at the start because of age above 55 years
85% of people often do not feel that there is thinning of the hair, and often happens, it's too late for the cure
The maximum length of a human hair is 70-90 cm
Women's hair growth is slower than men's hair
The average hair diameter 0.1 mm
Hair strength in weight-bearing is 100 grams, or as heavy as a chocolate candy
Frequently wash your hair or frequent shampooing, absolutely not cause hair loss
Human hair grow faster or fertile in a warm climate
The age factor of aging will slow hair growth, and reduce fertility
hair cut has no effect on hair loss or hair growth
Your hair will come if you stress stress

Well from some of the facts above you can know how to treat your hair properly!

Next I try to explain why our hair can fall out or fall even lead to severe baldness in both men and women

Average baldness occurs in men even reached 90% of the rest in women. baldness in men starts since men age 17 to age 45 years and over, baldness over the age of 50 know the age is usually due to human aging, hair loss or baldness should not have happened if the scalp, hair follicles and healthy structure of our hair, human hair normally can fall out and grow again in a cycle of 2-3 years, under normal conditions in a day if your hair is falling out 10-20 pieces, because it is the life cycle of human hair and normal hair growth is 1 cm in a period of one month

Here are some causes of hair loss and baldness;
Illness or after surgery can cause your hair fall out in considerable amounts, even your hair is so fragile, but usually this kind of hair loss is only temporary
Stress, with the intensity of the stress that often could affect the metabolism of our hair and eventually hair loss and even baldness can occur.
Since birth, the pregnant woman, usually her hair fall out because many amino acids and proteins in the hair need to be reduced supply, because it is absorbed by the fetus / infant, so that our hair fall out
Medicine, there are some medications that can cause hair loss and even cause baldness, such as heart medications, hypertension medications, anti-pregnancy / drug kotrasepsi, even too much vitamin A could be the cause.
Hormonal causes, hair loss and baldness is caused hormone can occur in men or women, usually if work is not normal thyroid gland, will affect the hormone androgen and estrogen, causing the occurrence of DHT Dehidrotestosteron, who attack the hair follicles
Infection, can cause hair loss, usually occurs in children, but many also in adults.
Diabetes / lupus, also cause hair loss, high levels of sugar in the blood causing various diseases, including destructive metabolism in the hair structure, so that finally stops and hair loss.
Chemicals in the hair is also a major cause of damage and loss of hair, such as hair dyes, and similar Rebonding
Coarse hair treatment, such as hair tied with a loud and long, or often use curly roll causes stress on the hair, if not stronger in the end will fall out
Cigarettes can also cause hair loss

Thinning Hair

Female hair thinning can be caused by various factors such as harsh styling products, certain drugs, stress, genetics, and disease. Depending on how severe the hair loss and what causes a woman may have several different solutions to overcome the loss of hair.

Hair loss in women is usually different from the kind of bald men who suffered. Unlike men, women usually do not get bald patches really do not have hair but experience diffuse thinning throughout the whole head or in specific areas. Some women may experience hair loss only light that may not be very noticeable even while other women may find that they have more severe hair loss who require more drastic action.
Women's Hair Thinning Solution for Hair Loss Mild to Moderate

One of the most common ways to cope with thinning hair women are using hair care products designed to add volume to hair. This type of hair care products for puffing up the hair shaft appears that there is more hair on his head than is actually is. Some hair care products including shampoos and conditioners that are labeled as volumizing, styling sprays that claim to add volume as well as lotions and gels that do the same. This product can do well for women who are born with thin strands of hair or just lose a little of things like old age, stress, or certain drugs.

Some women who suffer from hair loss to look into hair growth stimulating drugs. Most of the drug is usually used by men, but women can usually have the same effect from using the product as a male. Minoxidil or Rogaine as it is commonly known as, has become a popular scalp treatment that helps promote hair growth and stop hair loss. This product is massaged into the scalp twice a day to help increase growth, but if the product is stopped, the woman will find that he will most likely lose the hair that has grown from use. Rogaine even now have products designed specifically for women.

There are also several new women's thinning hair products that have come out in recent years as companies have learned that not only people suffering from hair loss. There is a little different creams, pills, and lotions are now on the market designed specifically for women. Before a woman using all kinds of hair care products she should make sure to check to see if they are approved by the FDA and check with your doctor for approval.
Women's Hair Thinning Solution for Moderate to Severe Hair Loss

For more severe hair loss, women can take more drastic measures like surgery for hair restoration. It is not uncommon for women to have hair transplant surgery is performed like a man. Hair follicles are harvested by a doctor and then moved to certain areas on the scalp to encourage their follicles to grow. Hair transplantation is most successful when a woman has a specific area of the scalp or the area where he was suffering from hair loss rather than the whole hair thinning.

Another solution is to cut women's hair thinning and hair extensions. Depending on how severe the hair loss a woman might be able to add pieces of hair to natural hair extensions and weaving like to give the appearance of thicker hair. If this is not possible or if a woman suffering from complete baldness wigs may be the best solution. Today, wigs or hair pieces can be made to look completely natural and others can not find a woman wearing one. Wearing wigs can often give women who suffer from baldness more self-esteem and also allows them to have fun with their hair.

Not all women who have thinning hair would be interested in the same type of solution. In fact, some women may not find a solution and just live with her hair and not worry about hair loss or balding. Woman thinning hair is something that can be handled and luckily there are several different options for each woman according to the needs and desires.

Thinning Hair

Female hair thinning can be caused by various factors such as harsh styling products, certain drugs, stress, genetics, and disease. Depending on how severe the hair loss and what causes a woman may have several different solutions to overcome the loss of hair.

Hair loss in women is usually different from the kind of bald men who suffered. Unlike men, women usually do not get bald patches really do not have hair but experience diffuse thinning throughout the whole head or in specific areas. Some women may experience hair loss only light that may not be very noticeable even while other women may find that they have more severe hair loss who require more drastic action.
Women's Hair Thinning Solution for Hair Loss Mild to Moderate

One of the most common ways to cope with thinning hair women are using hair care products designed to add volume to hair. This type of hair care products for puffing up the hair shaft appears that there is more hair on his head than is actually is. Some hair care products including shampoos and conditioners that are labeled as volumizing, styling sprays that claim to add volume as well as lotions and gels that do the same. This product can do well for women who are born with thin strands of hair or just lose a little of things like old age, stress, or certain drugs.

Some women who suffer from hair loss to look into hair growth stimulating drugs. Most of the drug is usually used by men, but women can usually have the same effect from using the product as a male. Minoxidil or Rogaine as it is commonly known as, has become a popular scalp treatment that helps promote hair growth and stop hair loss. This product is massaged into the scalp twice a day to help increase growth, but if the product is stopped, the woman will find that he will most likely lose the hair that has grown from use. Rogaine even now have products designed specifically for women.

There are also several new women's thinning hair products that have come out in recent years as companies have learned that not only people suffering from hair loss. There is a little different creams, pills, and lotions are now on the market designed specifically for women. Before a woman using all kinds of hair care products she should make sure to check to see if they are approved by the FDA and check with your doctor for approval.
Women's Hair Thinning Solution for Moderate to Severe Hair Loss

For more severe hair loss, women can take more drastic measures like surgery for hair restoration. It is not uncommon for women to have hair transplant surgery is performed like a man. Hair follicles are harvested by a doctor and then moved to certain areas on the scalp to encourage their follicles to grow. Hair transplantation is most successful when a woman has a specific area of the scalp or the area where he was suffering from hair loss rather than the whole hair thinning.

Another solution is to cut women's hair thinning and hair extensions. Depending on how severe the hair loss a woman might be able to add pieces of hair to natural hair extensions and weaving like to give the appearance of thicker hair. If this is not possible or if a woman suffering from complete baldness wigs may be the best solution. Today, wigs or hair pieces can be made to look completely natural and others can not find a woman wearing one. Wearing wigs can often give women who suffer from baldness more self-esteem and also allows them to have fun with their hair.

Not all women who have thinning hair would be interested in the same type of solution. In fact, some women may not find a solution and just live with her hair and not worry about hair loss or balding. Woman thinning hair is something that can be handled and luckily there are several different options for each woman according to the needs and desires.

Man Hair Style

Man Hair Style

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Jamie and Josie at QVC!

Just a fun pic to share of one of the many great moments at QVC! Here’s a snapshot of Jamie getting a hug from Josie Maran after the very first IT Cosmetics show on QVC!

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010


Cheers on choosing what many of you are calling your "miracle in a tube”! While beauty editors and pro make-up artists are raving about Bye Bye Under Eye it's real women from Argentina to South Africa, Australia to Russia telling us how amazing Bye Bye Under Eye is and how it's changed their lives that really makes us smile! We love that it is packed with Hydrolyzed Collagen to plump fine lines and wrinkles... a concealer that makes us look younger, yay! It's full antioxidants to ward off free radicals and nourish your skin plus Vitamin K to reduce discoloration over time! So now that you have the magical little black tube in your hand let's talk about how to apply it! First, start with a tiny spec (think pin head size amount) of Bye Bye Under Eye. You can warm it up between your fingers or on the back of your hand first, or simply dab it directly on your skin using a concealer or small powder brush or your finger. When it comes to application tools, it's really all about personal preference. And here's a big tip: Using a small amount of Bye Bye Under Eye is key to a flawless application because the product is very concentrated and is incredibly pigmented! Next, work the concealer into your skin adding more product if you need more coverage. And Bye Bye Under Eye is buildable, without caking so, if you are trying to cover discoloration (like sun spots or hyper-pigmentation) you may want to slowly add a few layers of the product. Next, as a finishing step, dust on a setting powder like our Bye Bye Pores Silk HD Micro-Finishing Powder. Many of you have called Bye Bye Pores your “airbrushing in a jar!” Also, many of you have asked what order you should use your foundation and concealer in. There is no right or wrong order, and it is really up to you! Bye Bye Under Eye works just as well under a foundation as it does over the top – and you can always skip the foundation all together and use Bye Bye Under Eye as your all over foundation. Now that’s a lot of love for your skin! Bye Bye Under Eye stays put all day and is waterproof yet moisturizing and is very gentle. So here's to you for choosing the best concealer in the world!

How To Shake Dandruff Flakes Away

If you have dandruff, do not worry about being alone with your problem. With one out of every two people in the entire world having, or having had, that same problem as yours, you are definitely not alone with it. Dandruff is a common hair problem. Embarrassing indeed, but a very, very common problem nonetheless.

What causes dandruff? Well, you see, our entire skin, from our scalps to the soles of our feet, sheds dead skin cells on a daily basis. We get a complete coating of new skin every 28 days or so, but we hardly even notice it.

Our bodies also play host to a lot of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, feeding off on the sebaceous oils that our skin produces. Our scalp in particular is home to a kind of fungus called malassezia fungus, and its food is the oils produced by the hair follicles of our scalp. Dandruff happens when, for some reason or another, the malassezia fungus goes crazy and irritates our scalp, causing the dead skin to shed a lot faster. So, instead of shedding the dead skin cells of our scalp for a month, the shedding happens in less than two weeks, and the oil that our hair follicles produce cause these dead skin cells to clump together and become dandruff. Until now, the factors that trigger this phenomenon with the malassezia fungus are still the subject of research.

Dandruff is an embarrassing hair condition, and it can recur despite your best efforts. But with proper hair care, the recurrence of dandruff can be controlled. The best way to keep the flakes at bay is to shampoo your hair every day - picture perfect hair.

Dandruff can, of course, become stubborn, so if washing everyday with your regular shampoo does not stop the flakes from becoming haywire, the next best thing to do would be to start using anti-dandruff shampoos. Look for anti-dandruff shampoos with zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid or ketoconazole as the active ingredient. To keep your scalp from developing immunity to these shampoos, go ahead and rotate brands at least once a month.

For optimum results, you can lather your hair with the shampoo of your choice twice. The first wash will clear the scalp of the flakes and the oil buildup. The second one would let the chemicals in the shampoo get absorbed by the scalp - haute hair.

You can also try homemade remedies to wash the flakes away and to keep the dandruff from recurring. What is considered the best homemade remedy to dandruff is a vinegar wash. Mix two teaspoons of vinegar with six teaspoons of water and rub it against your scalp before you go to bed, then wrap your head with a towel. Apply the same solution to your hair once again in the morning when you wake up, then rinse it with water. You do not have to worry about the smell of vinegar in your hair, as the smell of vinegar does evaporate eventually.

Whatever you do, never, ever scratch the clumps with your fingernails. It will cause wounds on your scalp.

Dandruff is an embarrassing hair condition, but it is not unmanageable. Just take good care of your hair and the flakes will go away.

To Blow Dry or To Air Dry?

Should the hair be blow dried or air dried?
It is a matter of preference, actually. Some people do not have much time to devote to styling their hair, or want to achieve the maximum styling they can get for their hair, so they opt for blow-drying it. On the other hand, there are some people who think that blow-drying is a waste of electricity and is the quickest way of damaging the hair, so they opt to have it air dried.

Which is better, you may ask?
Both ways of drying the hair have their advantages and disadvantages, and there are proper and improper ways of doing both. Read on and find out what these are.

Air drying. Air drying is usually done by people who have short and low-maintenance hairstyles, or by people with curly hair. There are also people who have long hair yet have their hair air dry, as air drying does not subject the hair to excessive heat. Therefore, the hair is not as susceptible to damage as hair that is blow dried.

If you are going to have your hair air dried, it is very important to remember that the hair is at its weakest when it is wet. So, take care not to rub your hair dry with the use of a towel. The friction caused by rubbing the hair with a towel will make the hair brittle and eventually break. Rather than rubbing it, you should instead blot the moisture out of your hair with the towel. Also, be careful not to tug or pull at your hair that much when it is still wet. Once the water is blotted out of the hair, fluff it out with your fingers.

Blow Drying. Blow drying the hair is the most convenient way of doing it, and because most people live fast-paced lives, blow drying the hair is the way most people want to do it. Moreover, drying the hair using a blower adds volume to the hair. But inasmuch that blow drying is very convenient, it is also dangerous to the hair, especially if overdone. It can make the hair very brittle.

If you blow dry your hair, make sure that it is not soaking. Blot the water out with a towel first. Do not hold the dryer too close to your head; keep it at least six inches away from your hair and move the dryer constantly around your head. Protect the outer strands of your hair from being over-dried by bending over and blow drying your hair with your hair hanging upside down. Also, try not to dry your hair completely with the blow dryer. Stop while the hair is still slightly damp.

Whether you air dry your hair or you blow dry it is completely your own choice based on your own lifestyle and preferences. But whatever you do, always remember that the hair is fragile. Be careful while handling it.

How To Shake Dandruff Flakes Away

If you have dandruff, do not worry about being alone with your problem. With one out of every two people in the entire world having, or having had, that same problem as yours, you are definitely not alone with it. Dandruff is a common hair problem. Embarrassing indeed, but a very, very common problem nonetheless.

What causes dandruff? Well, you see, our entire skin, from our scalps to the soles of our feet, sheds dead skin cells on a daily basis. We get a complete coating of new skin every 28 days or so, but we hardly even notice it.

Our bodies also play host to a lot of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, feeding off on the sebaceous oils that our skin produces. Our scalp in particular is home to a kind of fungus called malassezia fungus, and its food is the oils produced by the hair follicles of our scalp. Dandruff happens when, for some reason or another, the malassezia fungus goes crazy and irritates our scalp, causing the dead skin to shed a lot faster. So, instead of shedding the dead skin cells of our scalp for a month, the shedding happens in less than two weeks, and the oil that our hair follicles produce cause these dead skin cells to clump together and become dandruff. Until now, the factors that trigger this phenomenon with the malassezia fungus are still the subject of research.

Dandruff is an embarrassing hair condition, and it can recur despite your best efforts. But with proper hair care, the recurrence of dandruff can be controlled. The best way to keep the flakes at bay is to shampoo your hair every day - picture perfect hair.

Dandruff can, of course, become stubborn, so if washing everyday with your regular shampoo does not stop the flakes from becoming haywire, the next best thing to do would be to start using anti-dandruff shampoos. Look for anti-dandruff shampoos with zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid or ketoconazole as the active ingredient. To keep your scalp from developing immunity to these shampoos, go ahead and rotate brands at least once a month.

For optimum results, you can lather your hair with the shampoo of your choice twice. The first wash will clear the scalp of the flakes and the oil buildup. The second one would let the chemicals in the shampoo get absorbed by the scalp - haute hair.

You can also try homemade remedies to wash the flakes away and to keep the dandruff from recurring. What is considered the best homemade remedy to dandruff is a vinegar wash. Mix two teaspoons of vinegar with six teaspoons of water and rub it against your scalp before you go to bed, then wrap your head with a towel. Apply the same solution to your hair once again in the morning when you wake up, then rinse it with water. You do not have to worry about the smell of vinegar in your hair, as the smell of vinegar does evaporate eventually.

Whatever you do, never, ever scratch the clumps with your fingernails. It will cause wounds on your scalp.

Dandruff is an embarrassing hair condition, but it is not unmanageable. Just take good care of your hair and the flakes will go away.

To Blow Dry or To Air Dry?

Should the hair be blow dried or air dried?
It is a matter of preference, actually. Some people do not have much time to devote to styling their hair, or want to achieve the maximum styling they can get for their hair, so they opt for blow-drying it. On the other hand, there are some people who think that blow-drying is a waste of electricity and is the quickest way of damaging the hair, so they opt to have it air dried.

Which is better, you may ask?
Both ways of drying the hair have their advantages and disadvantages, and there are proper and improper ways of doing both. Read on and find out what these are.

Air drying. Air drying is usually done by people who have short and low-maintenance hairstyles, or by people with curly hair. There are also people who have long hair yet have their hair air dry, as air drying does not subject the hair to excessive heat. Therefore, the hair is not as susceptible to damage as hair that is blow dried.

If you are going to have your hair air dried, it is very important to remember that the hair is at its weakest when it is wet. So, take care not to rub your hair dry with the use of a towel. The friction caused by rubbing the hair with a towel will make the hair brittle and eventually break. Rather than rubbing it, you should instead blot the moisture out of your hair with the towel. Also, be careful not to tug or pull at your hair that much when it is still wet. Once the water is blotted out of the hair, fluff it out with your fingers.

Blow Drying. Blow drying the hair is the most convenient way of doing it, and because most people live fast-paced lives, blow drying the hair is the way most people want to do it. Moreover, drying the hair using a blower adds volume to the hair. But inasmuch that blow drying is very convenient, it is also dangerous to the hair, especially if overdone. It can make the hair very brittle.

If you blow dry your hair, make sure that it is not soaking. Blot the water out with a towel first. Do not hold the dryer too close to your head; keep it at least six inches away from your hair and move the dryer constantly around your head. Protect the outer strands of your hair from being over-dried by bending over and blow drying your hair with your hair hanging upside down. Also, try not to dry your hair completely with the blow dryer. Stop while the hair is still slightly damp.

Whether you air dry your hair or you blow dry it is completely your own choice based on your own lifestyle and preferences. But whatever you do, always remember that the hair is fragile. Be careful while handling it.

a pretty short haircut

a pretty short haircut