Jumat, 13 November 2009

wisata pantai laut selata jawa

L egenda Nyi Roro Kidul not be separated from the South Coast of Java Sea. This is reinforced by several petilasannya heritage and a supposedly left behind in some places, that we can still see today. The presence of these relics that caused the South Coast of Java Sea seems to have a magnetic force so strong that Untk always invite tourists to come and come again.
One of these beaches is Sand Beach, located in South Gombong, Kebumen regency, Central Java. This beach can be said to complete compared to other beaches. Besides flanked by two mountains that make beautiful scenery, the beach is also a land of fishermen to support the life of everyday routine. Every day tens of jongkong that lined the beach, except jongkong-jongkong the sea. This scene is characteristic of and specific coastal fishermen. On this beach, there are also fish auction (TPI) and breeding jellyfish.

The most interesting to note is the coral-shaped gate. Mysterious gate is the Gate of Nyi Roro Kidul. From a distance, the gate of this enchanting look like a bear who's drinking water.

The existence of the gate was the only one, the more raises a sand beach as a tourist attraction in Gombong, Kebumen, Central Java. And this is also the beautiful panorama is presented to you.

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