Selasa, 07 September 2010

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

If you've ever hung out with a Debby Downer you know it's about as much fun as eating soggy toast. You know the "downer" mood: cranky, annoyed and frustrated paired with a "bitter beer face". Sometimes life can be frustrating... but there is hope for Debby (or you) to see the glass half-full! And it is as easy as flashing a smile!
Flash those pearly whites!
Even when you don't feel like showing off your chompers, the simple act of smiling can make you feel better. Facial feedback is a technical term for messages that are sent to your brain to tell you you're filled with glee. And, if you're smiling, you may seem happy to others and they, in turn, will smile back at you. Looking better will also make you feel better. So, if it's your not-so-pearly-whites that are keeping you from smiling try a blue tinted lip gloss that will counteract the yellow in your teeth for an instant white appearance. Try It Cosmetics Smile-Brightening Collagen Plumping Gloss and notice the difference instantly.
Work up a sweat, girl!
According to Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of "The How of Happiness", exercise lifts depression just as well as medication. She says four months of working out has been found to be just as effective at treating depression as four months of taking the anti-depressant medication Zoloft. So put on your dancing shoes and start shaking your booty!
Pay it forward!
Feed a stranger's parking meter, hold open a door, or pay for the person's morning java behind you in line. By doing three random acts of kindness one day a week, you'll think you put rose color glasses on! Can you feel the love already? Now come on! Get happy!

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