Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Don't be that girl!

Girls can be so mean! So so so mean! But I don't want my girls (all of you reading this!) to be like that!

I have always seemed to be better friends with guys than with girls and that has always added to how much girls have talked about me (I'm not saying the to be dramatic or whoa is me!)... and since coming to college, this has not gotten any easier!

I have often stopped and asked my wonderful husband-to-be, Glenn, if there is something on me because of how many girls have stared at me!  The other day it happened and it was obvious that these girls weren't looking because they liked my vest! And that sparked this little post!

I want us to be joy-spreaders! That means we can't be the one giving dirty looks because those looks cut so deep! They hurt and make you self-conscious!

But it's sooo natural for us to be so judgmental and mean to each other... we are, after all, the competition!  But I have a challenge for you all!

Challenge: Next time you look at a fellow girl and the dirty look starts to creep across your face, and the mean thoughts come into your mind... just smile at the girl and think something nice about her! Maybe even tell her your compliment!

Example: A girl comes walking by you and your first thought is "Whoaaa! That girl's skirt is wayyy tooo short! What a floozy!!!"... instead you should think something like "Her hair is so beautiful! (Or whatever you think is beautiful!)"

Beautiful people are nothing without beautiful hearts,
Samantha <3

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