Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Love day

Happy Valentine's Day beauties!!

For those of you in relationships, I hope you have to most wonderful special day!  Tell your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé/fiancée just how much you love them! Today is the day to step outside of your shy love box and let the love flow! Glenn and I went to the park yesterday for a little Valentine's day picnic (my Monday's are incredibly busy... and I feel super sick today anyways) and we just talked and played a game together! It was wonderful!

But this post is really for those of you without a significant other!  A lot of times, this day gets called SAD, Singles Awareness Day... and I really really dislike that name! You may not have a special someone for today but make yourself your special someone! Focus on loving yourself today and pampering yourself!  If I were single today, this is what I would do!

* Stop by Walmart, Target, Staters, or anywhere to get some good ol' Sparkling Cider (I don't like champagne or wine and I'm not 21! haha but I wouldn't buy those anyways! I don't like their taste at all!)
* Go home, make myself my favorite meal, (or pickup your favorite meal if it's from a restaurant!)
* Plop down in front of the tv in my favorite comfies and watch my favorite romantic movie (you could really watch anything, I just love romantic movies!!) and drink my sparkling cider!
* Pamper yourself! Use your favorite face mask, paint your toes extra special, use a hair treatment... whatever makes you feel extra special and pampered! Maybe that means going to bed an hour early! Do it!!

Maybe your heart has been broken, recently or in the past, and it just doesn't feel like it's healing... that's okay! Take some time today to sit and think about why it isn't healing.  Maybe you still love that person and need to really talk with them about what went wrong... maybe you aren't letting it heal even though it needs to.

I am so sorry for any pain that someone has put you you through! Valentine's day can make that pain seem magnified by like 100x but remember that somewhere out there, someone is waiting for you! So don't wallow in the past, but look up, dry your tears, and start walking towards them!

Love day and love notes,
Samantha <3

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